Rev. Jesse Eugene Herriott

Jesse Eugene Herriott is an ordained Unity Minister. He studied English and Political Science at the University of South Carolina, completed a Masters degree in the Behavioral Sciences (Criminology) from Keiser University, post graduate certificates in Geropsychology and post grad training in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Grand Canyon University. He received a certificate in D.E.I. & Mental Health and Wellness from the University of South Florida, and a certificate in Activism in Culture from Morehouse College. He holds additional training in Clinical Trauma Support with the Arizona Trauma Institute, board certification in Anxiety treatment, and a certificate in Jungian Psychotherapy from the Zur Institute. He completed Theology training at UWSI in Kansas City, MO, and Interspiritual Theological Training with the UAIC in Milwaukee, WI, of which he is an Ordained Priest in Good Standing. In the Spring of 2015, he was inducted into Morehouse College’s Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Clergy & Scholars. His research and academic interests include Comparative Religion, Psychology, and Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. He has participated in a variety of conferences in the fields of Interdisciplinary Studies, Theology, Psychology, Humanities, and the Social Sciences. He is a regular faculty member at Institutions in the Southern United States. Jesse also holds a Doctorate of Ministry in Pastoral Counseling from IMM Seminary, and he is currently completing a Doctorate of Education, with an emphasis on Adult Learning and Development at South College. Jesse is an associate editor of the peer-reviewed journal, The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society.
His current research and teaching explores the interplay of Western Psychotherapy & theology with Unity teachings & New Thought Philosophy.
Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.
~Joel 2:28